An easy reset button

We are fortunate to live in a country where good food is plentiful – but sometimes we are guilty of overindulging. For those times when you think you may have eaten something that does not agree with your digestion, we’re lucky there’s Red Seal Activated Charcoal to support digestive health and it is very helpful in cases of bloating and flatulence. Made from pharmaceutical grade charcoal, sourced from coconut. Taking Red Seal Activated Charcoal settles and calms the stomach. Remember it is not for long term use (less than 10 days) and take at least 2 hours away from other medications.
Sometimes health issues can throw our equilibrium, but the good news is that we can support ourselves nutritionally plus seek medical attention if required.
Winter can be the season for more ills and chills due to the colder weather. It is possible to support your immune defences via, eating an optimal diet (including fresh fruit and veges, healthy fats, and protein) and keeping fit. If your diet is lacking you can always consider a supplement to support your dietary requirements.
For example, to support your immune defences consider topping up your immune health regime with Olive Leaf, Vitamin C, Zinc, B6 & Magnesium. You could start taking prior to ills and chills season to support your immune defences before the colder months of the year hit.
One simple way to be happier is to start a gratitude journal. Every day take a note of three things – they can be big or small things you appreciated. Eventually, it will become second nature to look on the bright side and get a well-being boost.
Always read the label. Use only as directed. Vitamin and mineral supplements should not replace a balanced diet. If symptoms persist, see your healthcare professional. TAPS APPROVAL No: BG1331.
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