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Hot & bothered

BY THE TEAM AT RED SEAL | 09 June 2021

3 min

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Menopause can sometimes make you feel like you are going crazy. Here is how to help yourself.

If you are reading this, the chances are there is a dominant theme running through your life right now: balance. Things may feel like they are out of kilter. One minute you are hot, the next you are not. You used to sleep like a baby, but now you toss and turn. And mood swings? Don’t go there. You can get so cranky you secretly wonder if you might be morphing from a reasonably sunny soul into a grumpy old curmudgeon. How do you regain equilibrium?


Is it hot in here?

The symptoms of perimenopause and menopause itself are well documented – fatigue or a loss of vitality, irritability, temperature changes, mental fogginess and worry are just some.  It is important to remember that change is a natural part of life. Providing your body with the nutrients that support you during this time is key, as well as reducing stress and making healthy lifestyle changes, which can help you maintain balance no matter how bumpy your hormonal journey is.

Some minerals and vitamins are important to well-being. But unless we are extremely diligent about what we eat, diet alone may sometimes not be sufficient to provide all you need during this time. Core minerals such as magnesium, calcium, vitamin D and zinc can all shore up a healthy nervous system, delivering support when you need it, especially when it comes to changes in sleep patterns, mood balance and bone density.


Keep those kidneys healthy

Hormonal changes that take place during menopause can also lead to (mostly non-utilized) magnesium being excreted through the kidneys. This is even more significant as it is difficult to absorb sufficient magnesium from the diet. Magnesium deficiency can have a negative impact on heart health as it plays a vital role in the energy metabolism of all cells (especially in menopause) and in the heart cells. A plentiful supply of magnesium is also recommended to support bone health. This is because even sufficient supplies of calcium and vitamin D are meaningless if there is a magnesium deficiency during menopause.


How do I support my liver?

Our liver is an important organ because it filters the blood coming from the digestive tract, removing chemicals and toxins. A healthy liver will protect the body from damage caused by free radicals. Milk thistle seeds contain a bioflavonoid complex known as silymarin (the purified extract of the fruits, or seeds, of the milk thistle plant). Milk thistle is a common natural herb for liver health and may also support other uncomfortable aspects of menopause.


Make the change

Making appropriate changes to your diet and exercise, reducing your stress and generally taking more time out – are all great things to do. But they do not always feel achievable in the short term.  One step at a time is fine, to get you started.



 Vitamin and mineral supplements should not replace a balanced diet. If symptoms persist, consult your healthcare professional.

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